business mentoring

Fri 3 January 2020
Not all companies have a mentor program, but if your company does have one and you haven’t participated, you might be thinking to yourself, what is the point?

You may have achieved your professional goals or you may not think that anyone in your company could help you or you may believe that a mentor may not fully understand you or you may not know what to say or what to ask once you are in a mentor relationship.

These thoughts are normal, but you would be doing yourself a major disservice by not participating. Both being a mentor and getting mentored can do a lot for you and this article sheds light on 3 benefits of mentorship.

Mentorship gives you confidence

Regardless of your title, how much you have accomplished in your career, or your stage in life, everyone can benefit and gain confidence from having a mentor. 

Mentors see something in you that you can’t see in yourself.

Vice versa, being a mentor is an empowering opportunity to see something in somebody else that they didn’t realize was possible.

When you can participate in painting a picture that is so audacious, so ambitious, so impossible sounding to yourself or the person you are mentoring, magic happens. People open their mind to what could be possible and remove the preconceived notions they had about “reality” to try something new and give themselves permission to reach higher. 

Whether you are reaching higher for yourself or helping somebody else achieve this, you begin to own the success of the person you are in a mentoring relationship. By own, you are embodying the emotional highs and lows of trying, failing, learning, and retrying. 

Having somebody there to share these experiences with is extremely gratifying.

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

Spending time with a mentor who encourages your success and where you can encourage somebody else’s success increases confidence immensely.

Why do this at work?

You might think that your significant other or a close friend is doing this for you. And if so, that is amazing. But you shouldn’t just have one mentor and if your only mentor is too close to you, they may not feel comfortable challenging you in new ways because they have known you for so long.

A work mentor is close enough to you that they can understand and relate to you but removed enough that they aren’t conditioned by your past and the “reality” of what you think is possible. Essentially, it is easier for somebody slightly more removed from you to help you paint a picture of reality that you currently don’t realize is possible.

Mentorship makes you happier at work

People who participate in mentor relationships build deep bonds with their mentor. There is a chemical in the human brain called oxytocin. This chemical fires and makes us happier when we are around those that we feel connected to.

We spend the majority of our waking hours at work. Yet, only a small percentage of employees have this type of bond with a colleague.

By not participating in a mentor program at work, we are depriving ourselves of potentially enriching relationships that can make us excited to go to work and happier when we come home from work.

You might think “I like having separation of work and personal life.” Participating in a mentor program and having separation between work and life are NOT mutually exclusive. You aren’t sharing your whole life with the entire office and what you share in your mentor relationship is typically confined to topics that are work-relevant while a safe space to convey your personal feelings.

Mentor relationships help build your levels of oxytocin, making you happier at work.

Mentorship makes you more productive

Having a mentor and being a mentor helps you connect with another person at work that you may not have had as much of a deep relationship with before mentorship. This mentor relationship naturally breeds collaboration and innovation.

By learning what another person is doing on a deeper level, their feelings about this work, and where they view their path going in the future, you are able to build a stronger perspective about how your work can collaborate with their work and others in the company. 

Another outcome of mentorship is increased engagement. By understanding the company and the work on a higher level and how another person operates, you are able to expand your mind of what can be accomplished and what you are working towards outside of your personal silo. This increased understanding of your company and opportunities to collaborate from your role increases work engagement and productivity.

In essence, workplace mentorship can have a huge impact on your level of satisfaction with your work. Really good workplace mentor programs will match you with a mentor whose personality and Work Orientation align with yours and provide you with agendas and structure on what to ask and how to grow the relationship in a positive way. 

The best way to reap these benefits is to start. Take the leap and participate and you will begin to see some of these outcomes.

If you are interested in learning more about research on mentor relationships for companies, check out

Fri 10 January 2020
When an employee mentions to his manager that he has received an offer from another company, how does the manager, and the company for that matter, typically respond? Often, they will respond with a counteroffer to keep that employee on the team.
Because the expense of having to pick up the pieces of where that employee left off is substantially higher than the expense of paying them more.
What if we lived in a world where money wasn’t the only factor for choosing whether to stay in a job or accept a new role?
What if we discovered that there is another factor that plays a HUGE role in whether or not people stay or go? 
Most business roundtables and experts will say “you must invest in your culture!” What does that even mean? Does it mean providing lunches and ping pong tables at the office? Maybe.
Company culture is the combined makeup of how each individual employee feels about their work, whom they are doing that work with, and how attached their identity is to the work they are doing at that company. Company culture is the way that each employee feels when he/she comes to work.
You can’t force employees to feel a certain way, but you can create environments and opportunities where ideally, your people are creating deeper bonds with each other. When deeper bonds are built between people, a chemical in our brain called oxytocin fires. Oxytocin is why we feel good being around other people we like. 
When oxytocin is consistently firing when we are around our co-workers, our desire to not lose that feeling is high. Essentially, we, as humans, can form a chemical dependency to a group of people we enjoy being around in which money cannot easily persuade us to leave.
If people are using words like “we” and “us” vs. “you”, “they”, and “I”, that is a good start. But are there is 1 strong way to boost company culture.
Carve time for employees to have intentional one-on-one conversations with each other (can be about work or not about work).
Why can this activity be so powerful and impactful to the company? 
This activity creates an environment for deep relationships. When deep relationships are formed between people, oxytocin builds between those people. When people have oxytocin with their colleagues, they desire to be around those people that make them feel good.
Does it have to be one-on-one or can it be in a group?
It is best to be done one-on-one because people are less likely to be vulnerable when more people are around. Vulnerability is the key to building trust and trust is required for oxytocin to build. To make an example, think about holiday parties (or any other corporate gathering) – are people comfortable having deep, intentional conversations or are the conversations about the weather, sports, work, or any other surface-level topic? Typically, it is the latter. When people are one-on-one, they feel more comfortable opening up to each other.
Is it possible to provide a structure that leads to deep relationships?
Yes. 2 things are critical to this. First, people that are meeting with each should have aligned Work Orientation. Work Orientation is how you view your work and is a spectrum between “job”, “career”, and “calling”. When people share Work Orientation, their likelihood of getting along in these relationships is much higher because their value systems are aligned.
Second, these conversations should be focused on discussing the past, not the future. When we discuss the future, we are more inclined to embellish our goals and less likely to share our past vulnerabilities for fear that our past mistakes will not be consistent with our future goals. When we discuss the past, we can focus on the missteps we have taken and how we have learned from them. 
To build trust, you must be vulnerable first, not the other way around.
How can I measure if deep relationships are being built?
You can assess your employees’ engagement levels. If engagement rises, you will know that employees’ level of connectedness to the company culture is growing. 
How often should people be meeting?
It can be once per month for an hour each meeting. This intentional time away from work and focused on another person can create bonds that last a lifetime.
Should people switch up whom they are meeting with?
Yes. Variety in these relationships helps further intertwine employees so then they are consistently building deep relationships with multiple people. As long as the relationships formally last for at least 6 months, that should be plenty of time for people to get into rapport and continue that relationship.
In conclusion, creating environments in which colleagues are building deep relationships with each other can increase oxytocin firing in their brains when they come to work and subsequently increase the alignment of their identity with the company’s culture.
If you are interested in learning more about research on mentor relationships for companies, check out

Wed 29 January 2020
If intimate relationships have Love Languages, should we also have Love Languages in our management style?

To rephrase that question, are there certain management incentives that motivate some employees that don’t motivate other employees?

If so, then we shouldn’t have the same management incentives for every employee, right?

For example, if I know a direct report is really motivated by professional advancement, extending her vacation days wouldn’t be optimally motivating to her because her goal is professional advancement. A better incentive might be to provide her with the opportunity to gain a new credential or learn a new skill.

Here are 3 keys you can leverage to encourage your team properly.

Understand your Direct Reports’ work motivations

Understanding your direct reports’ work motivations is critical. If you take time to identify what their goals are, you can work on brainstorming and identifying incentives that would motivate them. If you are struggling to identify your direct reports’ work motivations, you can try using Ambition In Motion’s Work Orientation Assessment –

Be willing to alter and change your management style based on the individual

Having a one-size-fits-all management philosophy does not work. What it will do is surround you with other people that are just like you. This lack of diversity will create blind spots and turn away potentially great collaborators to your team. If you are willing to alter your management style, you can allow your direct reports to thrive and grow in the way that motivates them.

Encourage an open and honest dialogue to gain feedback on the style you have implemented

Radical candor is critical to knowing if what you are doing is working. If your direct reports fear you or your response to their honesty…they won’t be honest with you. If you can’t have honest feedback, you will have no idea if what you are doing is working and you will likely revert to old, bad habits.

Growing the engagement and the productivity of your team is not easy, but it is possible. If you are willing to understand what motivates your team, act on it, and accept feedback, you will be well on your way to achieving great outcomes.

If you are interested in learning more about research on mentor relationships for companies, check out

Wed 10 June 2020
Ambition in Motion’s mentor program is different than anything I’ve ever heard of. When I think of a mentor, I think of someone who is older and wiser and honestly, really hard to find. AIM has flipped that on its head. They made everything super easy by matching me with someone via an assessment and algorithm. They also match you with peers that have a similar career orientation, which is way less intimidating than some kind of in-person process. It’s comforting to know that you and your mentor will automatically have some things in common, even before you get started. You also know that they’re eager to learn and grow as well. 
In our first meeting, we talked about our backgrounds and even though our roles are different, our paths were certainly not. My mentor has a degree in Music and I have one in IT, now we’re both in Human Resource and Training Roles. The stories of how we got there are long and varied, but now we enjoy what we do. We also both used to work in different roles at our current employers, which gives us a unique perspective on not only our current workforce, but also gives us more in common and builds trust.
Speaking of starting in different roles, even within our own companies, we were able to transition into new positions that aligned more with our passions. I started out as a Project Manager that helped with recruiting on the side and my mentor was a Financial Advisor that really mastered the process so well that they wanted him to train everyone else! Any chance to learn something new is a chance for growth and, if nothing else, a resume builder.
We also learned that it’s not so uncommon to have many extraneous roles and responsibilities in addition to our core job duties. I have lots of non-HR related responsibilities like IT Support and Facilities Management and my mentor is responsible for Social Media content as well. We could choose to see these as busy work or unnecessary tasks, but we’ve both chosen to frame them as opportunities. Never say no to an opportunity if you can manage it.

Tue 23 June 2020
Ambition In Motion President Garrett Mintz sits down with Andrea Butcher, President at HRD, Podcast Host, Talent Strategist, Executive Coach, to discuss mentoring relationships which have had an impact on her career. 

Andrea Butcher is  a visionary business leader. Extensive experience as a talent management professional, focusing on the growth and development of individuals, work teams, and leaders. Specializes in executive coaching,  development and facilitation of learning,  performance consulting,  succession planning, talent attraction, and Human Resources.

Twitter: abundantempower

Ambition In Motion leverages horizontal mentorship to help professionals elevate their work skills and break through communication barriers.

Ambition In Motion's core values are: be growth-oriented, people first, empower efficient leaders, be data-driven, and have integrity and vulnerability.

Ambition In Motion's vision is a world where the vast majority of people are excited to go to work, when they are there their expectations meet reality, and when they come home they feel fulfilled.

Ambition In Motion has programs for companies to match their internal employees together for horizontal mentorship (within departments, across departments, within special interest groups, for onboarding employees, identifying emerging leaders, upskilling middle managers, etc.), for professional associations to match their members together for mentorship, and for executives to connect them with other executives outside of their company for mentorship.

Learn more here:
Tue 16 February 2021
One of the lessons that I’m continually being taught is the value of reflection and retrieval.  Our last two sessions certainly reinforced this lesson.

Reflection:  Making time to deliberately review an event, a day, a week, etc.  Reflection is more than just recounting the details or the chronology, but it involves evaluation and analysis.  What went wrong?  Why?  Could it have been prevented?  Could it have been anticipated?

More often than we might like to admit, we can learn far more when things don’t go the way we planned, or even if they completely fail, than if they had gone perfectly. 

Retrieval:  The ability to recall both specifics and related information from a past event.   One of the challenges in the field of education and training is not just how to cram information into a person’s head, but teaching them how to retrieve them quickly and correctly when needed.   Sometimes the ability of retrieval can mean the difference between life and death.  The military uses repetition and drills to create muscle memory so that some actions don’t even require concentrated thought.  They become more of a reaction than a decision – but “time to think” (or retrieve) isn’t a luxury you often have in combat.

So how does retrieval connect with reflection?  If you only take the time to reflect after an event you can glean a lot of useful information.  Some of which you may be able to put to good use right away.  But if you don’t learn how to retrieve those lessons later, when they are needed, they have greatly diminished value.  

I’ve heard many people say how much they “hate” quizzes and tests.  I think it’s because we don’t do a good job explaining to students what the test is trying to do – if we did, they would study very differently.  Tests don’t measure what you “know” or what you crammed into some small crevice of your brain.  They measure what you can retrieve.  

Now let me try to bring this all together.  In our last two Peer Mentoring sessions, we had the opportunity to revisit some of our past goals and discuss which ones were successfully accomplished and which ones taught us something.  

None of the stories we shared were new to either one of us.  But in the process of retrieving these stories and telling them again, I was reminded of past lessons learned, maybe even almost forgotten.  It helped me to remember how important it is to revisit our own past, success, and lessons, so that when the “next time” comes around we can quickly retrieve the knowledge to help us be more successful.

Fri 19 May 2023
Effective interdepartmental communication is paramount for high-level executives seeking to drive organizational success. Strong communication between departments fosters collaboration, expedites decision-making, and enhances overall business performance.

There have been many instances in which a manager has required something of another department, and due to difficult communication channels, has either been forced to go through an arduous process, or having to refer the matter to senior leadership. This creates a chain of inefficiencies which should be addressed to allow for a more streamlined business experience. Here are a few tips on how to establish this clear horizontal chain of communication. 

Please note that the phrase “horizontal communication” is used throughout this article. This is defined as lateral communication, which describes communication between departments, teams, and people who are all at equivalent levels.

  1. Establish Clear Communication Expectations- High-level executives must define and communicate clear expectations regarding interdepartmental communication. Establish guidelines concerning communication channels, preferred mediums, response times, and overall communication standards. Effectively communicate these expectations to all employees, emphasizing their significance and ensuring widespread adherence. Post these throughout the workplace and online. By setting clear communication expectations, you can then create a framework for consistent and effective interdepartmental communication.
  2. Cultivate a Culture of Open Communication- Promote a culture of openness and transparency throughout the organization. Encourage employees at all levels to freely express ideas, concerns, and suggestions. Create platforms for interdepartmental dialogue, such as regular cross-departmental meetings, forums, or collaborative projects. Lead by example by actively engaging in communication efforts, highlighting the importance of open dialogue to break down information silos and foster collaboration. Creating an open communication culture can allow greater horizontal communication throughout the company. Creating a Horizontal Mentorship Program can be critical to cultivating this culture.
  3. Facilitate Regular Interdepartmental Meetings- Schedule frequent meetings that bring together representatives from different departments. These gatherings offer an opportunity to share updates, align objectives, address challenges, and promote collaboration. Encourage active participation and ensure that meeting agendas facilitate cross-departmental communication and problem-solving. This will promote better understanding, alignment, and cooperation among departments. In addition to this, it will give your employees more opportunities to get to know people who they do not need to work with daily, further building a more integrated workforce. Regular interdepartmental meetings can also be critical for succession planning and integrating different groups of people that have be joined together via merger or acquisition.
  4. Implement Collaborative Technologies- Leverage technology to facilitate seamless interdepartmental communication. Implement collaborative tools, such as project management software, shared document repositories, and instant messaging platforms. These tools enable real-time communication, document sharing, and collaboration across departments, regardless of geographical locations. Encourage employees to utilize these tools effectively, providing necessary training and support. Leveraging technology enables executives to easily remove communication barriers, streamline information exchange, and foster efficient interdepartmental collaboration.
  5. Support Cross-Departmental Training and Development: Invest in cross-departmental training programs to enhance employees' understanding of different roles and functions. Provide opportunities for employees to learn about other departments through job rotations, mentorship programs, or cross-functional projects. This exposure fosters empathy, improves interdepartmental communication, and encourages a broader perspective among employees. By supporting cross-departmental training and development, executives promote a culture of learning, understanding, and collaboration.
  6. Cultivate Interdepartmental Communication Champions: Identify individuals who excel in interdepartmental communication and designate them as communication champions. These employees can serve as liaisons between departments, facilitating information exchange and collaboration. Encourage them to organize workshops, training sessions, or knowledge-sharing events that promote effective communication practices. Recognize and reward their efforts to motivate others to follow suit. By cultivating communication champions, executives empower employees to take ownership of interdepartmental communication, driving collaboration and fostering a culture of effective communication.
  7. Establish a Feedback Mechanism: Implement a feedback mechanism that allows employees to share their experiences, suggestions, and concerns related to interdepartmental communication. This can be achieved through regular surveys, suggestion boxes, or anonymous feedback channels. Actively review and address the feedback received, demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement, and fostering a culture where feedback is valued and acted upon. By establishing a feedback mechanism, executives create a platform for employees to contribute to the improvement of interdepartmental communication.
  8. Lead by Example: As high-level executives, your actions and communication style set the tone for the organization. Lead by example by demonstrating active listening, empathy, and respect in your interactions with employees from different departments. Seek input from all levels, encourage diverse perspectives, and promptly address conflicts or miscommunications. Show your commitment to interdepartmental communication by actively participating in cross-departmental initiatives and projects. By leading by example, executives establish a culture of effective communication, collaboration, and mutual respect.

High-level executives play a crucial role in improving interdepartmental communication. By establishing clear expectations, cultivating a culture of open communication, leveraging collaborative technologies, supporting cross-departmental training, cultivating communication champions, implementing feedback mechanisms, and leading by example, executives can facilitate effective communication and collaboration among departments. By prioritizing and investing in interdepartmental communication, high-level executives create a professional and productive work environment that propels organizational success. 

Fri 25 August 2023
Instant gratification is the temptation, and resulting tendency, to miss a future benefit in order to obtain an immediate but less rewarding benefit. With new technology released daily, we have become accustomed to everything being readily accessible and convenient. From ordering food with a few taps on our phones to binge-watching entire TV series in one sitting, our modern lifestyle caters to this desire for immediate satisfaction. However, there are instances where this mindset may harm us more than benefit us, especially in the workplace.

In a professional setting, the desire for instant gratification can compromise the quality of work and slow down long-term career growth. Employees who focus solely on completing tasks quickly to meet immediate deadlines might overlook opportunities for growth and meaningful contributions. This could result in a lack of attention to detail, decreased problem-solving skills, and, ultimately, a negative impact on overall job performance.

Moreover, the expectation for instant results might decrease skill-building skills and professional development that requires time and dedication. Advancing in one's career often demands patience and the willingness to invest in learning new skills. Neglecting these opportunities due to a preference for instant gratification could limit career advancement and personal growth.

Additionally, fostering strong relationships in the workplace, whether with colleagues, superiors, or clients, requires time and effort. Instant gratification-oriented behaviors, such as prioritizing quick wins over fostering connections, can lead to missed chances to collaborate, network, and build a solid professional reputation. Long-term success often requires the ability to establish a healthy work environment and maintain a credible presence within the professional community.

While the allure of immediate results is strong, it's essential to recognize that sustained success and fulfillment in the workplace often require a balanced approach. Utilizing the right strategies and striking a harmony between short-term achievements and long-term goals can lead to more meaningful contributions and a more rewarding professional journey.

  1. Become Aware of Your Impulses
In a world dominated by rapid technological advancements and instant access to information, developing self-awareness regarding our impulses is an important strategy. Acknowledging the allure of instant gratification and understanding its potential consequences empowers individuals to make more deliberate choices in the workplace. This heightened awareness enables professionals to pause, reflect, and evaluate the long-term impact of their decisions. By recognizing when the desire for immediate results is guiding their actions, employees can redirect their focus towards goals that have a longer timeline. This approach utilizes better decision-making, allowing individuals to balance short-term gains with the enduring benefits of patient, thoughtful, and strategic efforts.

2. Creating SMART Goals For Yourself: 
Establishing SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals is a strategic approach to counteracting the allure of instant gratification in the workplace. By crafting well-defined goals, individuals can shift their focus from short-term wins to meaningful long-term accomplishments. SMART goals provide a structured roadmap that encourages planning, consistent effort, and progress tracking. As a result, employees can channel their energy into pursuits that align with overarching aspirations, ensuring that their actions contribute to sustained success and personal growth.

3. Building a Support Network: 
Recognizing the potential drawbacks of instant gratification, professionals are increasingly valuing the importance of building a strong support network in the workplace. Meaningful relationships with colleagues, mentors, and peers can offer valuable guidance and perspective. Engaging with a diverse group of individuals fosters an environment of collaboration and shared learning, where the exchange of insights can lead to innovative solutions and continuous improvement. These relationships not only provide emotional support but also contribute to a more holistic approach to career development, emphasizing enduring connections over fleeting achievements.

4. Seek Mentorship: 
Seeking mentorship can be a powerful strategy for personal and professional growth. Mentors provide guidance grounded in experience, helping mentees navigate challenges with a broader perspective in mind. Unlike quick fixes, mentorship encourages deliberate skill-building, patience, and long-term planning. The horizontal mentor relationship promotes the understanding that sustainable success requires consistent effort, continuous learning, and a willingness to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. By fostering relationships with mentors, individuals can benefit from their wisdom and insights, contributing to a more well-rounded and prosperous career journey.

5. Stick to Your Goals:
 Amid the tempting culture of instant gratification, maintaining dedication to long-term goals is an extremely important practice in the workplace. Resisting the allure of quick wins, individuals who commit to their objectives display resilience, discipline, and a commitment to personal and professional growth. While it's easy to fall for the appeal of immediate rewards, the satisfaction derived from achieving substantial, sustained milestones is far more fulfilling. By staying focused  in the pursuit of overarching goals, employees develop a sense of accomplishment from their commitment and perseverance. This mindset shift reinforces the idea that true success often requires consistent effort and the ability to delay gratification for a more substantial and enduring sense of achievement.

In conclusion, the desire for instant gratification in our society is an issue that we must work to overcome.  Our modern world, filled with rapid technological advancements and the availability of immediate rewards, has shaped our preferences for convenience and immediate outcomes. However, it's extremely important to evaluate consequences of this mindset, especially within the context of our workplaces. The desire for immediate rewards can compromise the quality of our work, slow-down long-term career growth, and impede the development of meaningful relationships. To counterbalance these potential downsides, a range of strategies can be utilized. These include crafting SMART goals that align with our aspirations, fostering a supportive network that facilitates holistic growth, seeking mentorship to develop deliberate skill development, and, crucially, maintaining our commitment to our goals. By embracing self-awareness, practicing patience, and replacing the desire of immediate results with the rewards of sustained achievement, we are better equipped to navigate the professional landscape.

Fri 9 February 2024
As a new hire, entering a new environment can be incredibly intimidating. Especially during the first few months, it is crucial for new hires to have sufficient resources to support them in their new role. A smoother transition to a new culture and new responsibilities can be achieved through effective mentorship. 

Why is mentorship important in the workplace?

Mentorship provides many benefits to the mentee, the mentor, and the organization as a whole. As a mentee, mentorship serves as an opportunity to gain insider knowledge of the culture and the internal processes of the organization. Assimilation to workplace culture can be a struggle for many mentees. Having a resource who has worked for the company longer to ask questions about the workplace environment can help ease some of the initial awkwardness. Mentors can also help mentees navigate the simple issues that a mentee faces such as feedback on a deliverable, or even larger scale situations such as what future opportunities to explore within the organization. A more experienced perspective on how to handle these issues both big and small can truly help ensure that new hires are set up for success. 

From a mentor perspective, mentorship is a great opportunity to make an impact and demonstrate leadership. Effectively communicating constructive feedback, improved time management, and opportunities for self-reflection can further provide professional development for mentors. This commitment to supporting others within the organization is a great demonstration of responsibility and may increase the chances of promotion consideration. 

Organizations benefit from mentorship as it can help to reduce unhappiness and turnover rates. 

Given all the benefits of mentorship, what is the best way to be a successful mentor? 

  1. Dedicating One-on-one Time Early On
If possible, set up an in-person coffee chat or lunch early on. An early opportunity to get to know each other and allow the mentee to ask any burning questions. During this conversation an important topic to discuss is what this mentorship relationship will look like. Frequency and means of communication as well as what can be done to set them up for success within the organization are great things to establish within the first meeting. 

2. Encouragement of curiosity 
Recognize that mentors are supposed to be a stress-free resource to help mentees. Create a safe space for asking questions that is free of judgement or harsh criticism. Mentees may pose questions that seem to have an obvious answer. Recall that everyone comes into an organization with different skill sets and experiences, and there may be gaps that a mentee needs additional guidance for. 

Early on after joining a new organization, employees may be interested in learning about other careers and future opportunities. Encourage the exploration of other career paths within the organization and share personal career path experiences. 

3. Sharing Personal Experience
Building a relationship with a mentee that has open communication can be difficult. Sharing personal stories and experiences can help to break the initial uncomfortability. Reflecting on areas of personal struggle during the early stages of joining the firm can identify different areas to provide insider tips/ information to ease initial difficulties for a mentee. Providing specific tips and feedback based on personal learning is the best way to both help a mentee and develop a stronger relationship. 

4. Facilitate Relationships with Seniors 
Developing relationships with senior members within an organization may be daunting to new employees. As a mentor, it is extremely important to help mentees communicate and develop relationships with senior or experienced employees. This can be a pivotal component of a mentee's future success within the organization as the networking may open opportunities for future positions that align with their interests. 

5. Hold Frequent Check-ins 
A successful practice for effective mentorship is frequent check-ins. Waiting for mentees to reach out may prove difficult as sometimes mentees may hesitate to reach out about their concerns. Periodically sending messages and regular meetings with mentees can ensure that there is ample opportunity for questions and the development of a relationship. 

6. Gather Ideas from Peers 
When mentoring a new employee, it can be helpful to gather insights from peers on mentorship tactics that were successful. Reaching out to colleagues or even previous personal mentors can be a great way to learn about mentorship. Another way to gather insights from peers is through joining a horizontal mentorship group to also experience the mentorship experience from a different perspective. Groups such as horizontal mentorship groups are great opportunities to learn from peers within the industry and to learn how to be a more effective leader. Within these groups, ideas can be shared and real-time feedback can be received. 

A key component of being a successful mentor is being a strong role model for mentees. Following correct practices within an organization, recognizing when other resources are necessary to help solve a problem, and an overall positive attitude go a long way in effective mentorship. Remember that this role requires commitment, so before volunteering to be a mentor consider the time required for the role and if it is manageable. Another consideration is that Mentorship doesn’t have an expiration date. A good mentor-mentee relationship can extend past the company-mandated timeline. Also, feel free to serve as a mentor to any new hire that asks for additional mentorship. Mentorship doesn’t require a formal written title in order to build a mentor relationship with new hires. 

A mentor’s goal is to provide assistance to new employees and guide their experience throughout the organization at an appropriate pace. Keep in mind that all mentorship relationships look different and developing strong mentor skills takes time and trial-and-error. Be patient and attentive to mentees, and there will be growth. 

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