growth mindset

Mon 24 April 2023
Embracing mistakes is critical for leaders who want to build a successful team and a strong culture for several reasons.

First, it fosters a growth mindset. When leaders and team members are open to mistakes, they are more likely to view them as learning opportunities rather than failures. This mindset encourages experimentation, creativity, and risk-taking, all of which are essential for innovation and growth. In contrast, a culture that fears mistakes can stifle creativity and discourage team members from taking risks.

Embracing mistakes encourages transparency and accountability. When leaders share their own mistakes with their teams, it creates a sense of vulnerability and honesty. This type of transparency helps to build trust between leaders and team members and fosters a culture of accountability. When team members know that mistakes will be acknowledged and addressed, they are more likely to take responsibility for their own actions and work collaboratively to find solutions to problems.

It also helps to break down hierarchies and power structures within organizations. When leaders are willing to admit to mistakes, it sends a message that everyone is fallible and that no one is above making mistakes. This type of culture encourages open communication and collaboration, as team members feel more comfortable sharing their own ideas and perspectives.

When team members are encouraged to view mistakes as learning opportunities, they are more likely to bounce back from setbacks and failures. This resilience can help to strengthen the team's ability to overcome challenges and adapt to change.

After all, the way we respond to mistakes can have a significant impact on our personal and professional growth. In many workplaces, there is a culture of fear surrounding mistakes. Employees may try to hide their mistakes from their supervisors, or they may feel embarrassed and ashamed when they do make a mistake. This culture of fear can lead to a lack of innovation, low morale, and decreased productivity. On the other hand, building a culture that embraces mistakes can lead to growth, innovation, and a stronger sense of team unity.

So, how can leaders build a culture that embraces mistakes? One important step is for leaders to share their own mistakes with their teams. When leaders are transparent about their own mistakes, it sends a message that mistakes are not something to be ashamed of, but rather an opportunity for growth and learning. Sharing mistakes also helps to break down the hierarchy that can exist in some workplaces. When leaders admit to making mistakes, it shows that they are human and can help to create a more collaborative and supportive work environment.

Another way to build a culture that embraces mistakes is to recognize and celebrate when team members make mistakes. This may seem counterintuitive, but when we acknowledge mistakes, we take away the shame and embarrassment that can be associated with them. When team members know that their mistakes will be recognized and celebrated, they are more likely to take risks and try new things. This can lead to increased innovation and growth for both individuals and the team as a whole.

Of course, it is also important to learn from mistakes. When mistakes happen, it is essential to take the time to reflect on what happened and why. This reflection can help individuals and teams to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to avoid similar mistakes in the future. Leaders can help facilitate this reflection by creating a safe space for team members to discuss their mistakes and share what they have learned.

In addition to reflection, it is important to take action to prevent similar mistakes from happening in the future. This may involve implementing new processes, providing additional training, or making changes to policies and procedures. When team members see that their mistakes are being taken seriously and that action is being taken to prevent similar mistakes in the future, it reinforces the message that mistakes are opportunities for growth, not something to be feared.

Building a culture that embraces mistakes requires ongoing effort and commitment. It is not something that can be achieved overnight, but rather a process that requires consistent attention and reinforcement. Leaders can help to reinforce this culture by consistently modeling the behaviors they want to see in their team members, recognizing and celebrating mistakes, and providing opportunities for reflection and learning.

To build this type of culture, leaders must be willing to share their own mistakes, recognize and celebrate mistakes made by team members, facilitate reflection and learning, take action to prevent similar mistakes in the future, and consistently reinforce the message that mistakes are opportunities for growth. With dedication and commitment, leaders can create a work environment where mistakes are not feared, but rather embraced as a natural part of the learning process.

Fri 14 July 2023
Bad news can come in many forms and at unexpected times. Getting passed up for a promotion, receiving undesired project results, or even recognizing disparities in workplace treatment are just some experiences that can decrease motivation and divert progress. These experiences may feel detrimental with little hope for recovery. 

A large contributor to how adversity is handled relies on ones mindset before, during, and after receiving the news. Even during unsuccessful moments, prioritizing your frame of thinking will allow for the best future steps. 

When encountering difficulties, it is natural to default to a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset is a frame of thinking that inhibits the ability to look past the issue at hand. Individuals who possess a fixed mindset believe that their skill set is relatively inflexible so there isn’t much opportunity for improvement. Setbacks are perceived as limitations of their skillsets which leads those with fixed mindsets to avoid challenges. 

To overcome hardship implementing a growth mindset may lead to honing adaptability, embracing creativity, continued optimism, and the motivation to acquire a new skill. A growth mindset stems from the belief that everyone has the ability to continue to develop skills and make improvements based on continuous efforts. One isn’t stuck in their current position with a growth mindset because they can take steps to improve and continue to learn in any given situation. This perspective is particularly important when dealing with setbacks, and can be implemented daily to concentrate on your objectives.  

The growth mindset recognizes that challenges will arise and these setbacks serve as opportunities for growth. Possessing a growth mindset may even lead to the pursuit of new challenges as they will serve as further areas to expand knowledge and experience. Utilizing this framework can encourage passion and purpose in both personal and professional settings due to the ability to maintain an optimistic perspective. Overall, this perspective aims to work towards a more fulfilling life because one isn’t self imposing mental limitations. 

Maintaining a growth mindset in the face of bad news is a challenge, but it is achievable with diligent effort and continued practice. These are some initiatives geared towards developing a growth mindset during challenging moments to increase your ability to take productive first steps. 

  1. Process your emotions: 
Acknowledge your emotions and why you are frustrated with the situation. When receiving bad news it is natural to feel disheartened or frustrated with the outcome. Allow yourself the opportunity to embrace these emotions and process them. Recognize the root of your feelings and why it made you feel that way. Initial negative reactions are common when dealing with difficulties and are part of life. 
2. Reframe the situation as a learning opportunity: 
Seek potential lessons you can learn from the situation and ways you can approach this problem differently going forward. Reflecting on what went poorly may direct you to a new skill you can learn that will be beneficial in the future. Spend time analyzing tangible things that can be enhanced rather than dwelling on things out of your control. 
3. Acquire feedback: 
Gathering feedback and receiving constructive criticism work to determine areas that need improvement and are good ways to prevent the repetition of similar setbacks. Reaching out to others who have more knowledge of what occurred can provide clarity and prevent you from wondering what went wrong.  
4. Identify alternative solutions:
Depending on the situation at hand, there may be additional pathways to pursue to achieve your desired outcome. Pursuing alternatives may mean having a conversation with a coworker about different processes that can be implemented, or a conversation with management to learn what opportunities are available/ feasible. Identifying alternative solutions may ultimately lead to pursuing a position at a company that aligns better with your interests and will value your skill set appropriately. Allow time to use your creativity to find different solutions. 
5. Seek support from peers or outside resources:
When managing a setback, speaking with peers can allow you to gain perspective and recognize that others have experienced similar hardships. Vocalizing your outlook on the obstacle will allow for collaborative problem-solving and lead to informed decisions. Surrounding yourself with individuals who positively support and encourage you is key to maintaining a growth mindset. An alternative approach is to seek a mentor removed from the situation and learn how they may approach the current difficulty. A mentor's guidance will allow you to be accountable in your pursuit of growth. 
6. Establish Goals: 
Goal setting is a powerful tool when working towards a growth mindset. After enduring a difficult situation, creating attainable ways to move forward will allow you to have productive results despite obstacles. Determine what your current goals are and then break them down into smaller more achievable goals. By breaking down your goals, you can maintain motivation and gain a sense of accomplishment. Goal setting creates a strong foundation for accountability and motivation for improvement. 

Successfully navigating a setback isn’t an easy endeavor, but maintaining a growth mindset will work toward more rewarding results. Bad news isn’t a determinant of continued misfortune if it is used as motivation to pursue new goals. 

Remember that upholding a growth mindset is a continuous process and one that takes time. Commit to embracing challenges as opportunities for development and recognize that a growth mindset can help achieve success in difficult times. 

Fri 29 September 2023
Throughout ones career, every person faces a variety of conflicts and will address these inevitable road blocks differently. From youth, individuals experience conflict and as they grow older, they begin to build skills to address conflict and ensure better psychological safety from these perceived threats. These skills do not diminish when entering the workforce. However, conflicts appear with a new level of complexity most have not previously faced. Addressing conflict with a superior or supervisor creates new challenges to face which many struggle with. 

Executive management is generally responsible for setting rules and regulations that play a heavy hand in establishing workplace culture and experience for all employees. However, management does not always follow these rules. As individuals climb an organizational hierarchy, their objectivity diminishes. Executives commonly are treated as if they are “untouchable” and therefore may act in a manner “above the law” or the organization, which is counterproductive to the work environment. Executives' failure to follow established rules creates a rift in the organizational structure. A defiance of rules, a poor demonstration of leadership and a disruptive attitude from executive management will reflect throughout the organization.

As employees, how can we point out hypocrisy - or even just uneducated asks from leadership -  while still maintaining relationships with those structurally above them in an organization?

Managing conflict is uncomfortable for everyone but unfortunately, it is a crucial part of everyday life and necessary for advancement in a professional environment. Being able to effectively deal with distressing situations is a rare strength that many may leverage throughout their lives. 

  1. Come Prepared with Facts, Not Opinions
In addressing a conflict with a superior, it is important to be organized and prepared when entering a meeting. Preparing written topics, questions or pieces of “evidence” in preparation for a meeting can aid in organizing thoughts and feelings to create an effective explanation of the perception of the conflict at hand. 

When an individual's cognition perceives a threat, the instinct to “fight” or “flight” ignites and can dominate words and actions. While in a professional environment, this is most likely not a physical fight or flight. Nevertheless, these instincts can lead to conflict avoidance or a hasty confrontation. Fight or flight can cause individuals to act without thinking which would not lead to a productive and mutually beneficial meeting. To remain in control of this instinct, focus on adopting the mental headspace to be patient and understanding while actively listening to the opposing party. Additionally, being prepared and organized for a conflict-focused conversation will help to keep a clear course of thought if someone perceives a threat or feels uncomfortable in the situation. 

2. Be Respectful, Calm, and avoid defensiveness
In addressing conflict across any leadership boundaries, colleagues, or friendships, it is important to stay respectful and focused on the situation at hand. Rather than attacking or criticizing a person, focus on their actions and how they affect individual and organizational goals. To have an effective meeting, both parties must feel respected and valued despite the situation at hand. Be cognizant of the professional relationship with a superior and how they may perceive the situation. Very frequently emotions or feelings can “fog” the perception of an event and create a disparity in individuals' understanding of an event. Remaining calm will allow those involved in a conflict to better understand the situation from the other person's point of view which may change their actions following a conflict. It is important to remain calm and keep emotions contained to effectively communicate with others and hold reason. 

3. Stay Solution Oriented
In a conflict-centered meeting, it is important to be focused on finding a solution. Do not bicker or argue over minuscule points or experiences, it is much more productive to express feelings from either party and seek a resolution that satisfies all members. A solution-oriented mindset allows for positivity and growth. Rather than feeling defeated, adopt a growth mindset that embraces mistakes as learning opportunities. Even those who are not leaders by title can lead within a team and contribute to building an advantageous culture for those around them. Focusing on building a community around accepting errors and encouraging resilience will reduce those feeling attacked or threatened by a workplace conflict. Rather than a threat, they will view it as feedback that is consistently shared for personal, professional, and organizational improvement. 

Entering a meeting with a solution-oriented mindset is useful in multiple ways; however, the most beneficial points of this attitude are creating comfort for the “opposing” party and staying focused on a specific problem. Creating psychological comfort is crucial for a productive meeting in providing feedback. When people are in a zone of psychological comfort, they are more willing to listen and take feedback as a chance for improvement than as a personal attack. 

4. Ask for Feedback
Demonstrate willingness to listen by requesting feedback. Everyone requires feedback for improvement and self-betterment however, impromptu negative feedback can lead to a lot of emotion if the individual is unprepared. In a constructive meeting of addressing conflict, acknowledge that there are two sides to each story and a manager or superior may have constructive feedback that would aid in mitigating the conflict in the workplace and contribute to a more harmonious work environment. 

5. Follow Up
In cases of conflict, it is important to monitor problems after addressing them. If the problem persists, consider informing human resources or a similar resource, collect appropriate documentation of the conflict and the steps taken to mitigate the problem. Realize that changes of conflict may take time to be reflected in the actions of leadership and executives. In the meantime of addressing a conflict and seeing change, professionals should draw strict boundaries between work and personal life to make sure that conflicts do not negatively affect their personal lives. 

Although daunting, effectively facing these conflicts in the workplace leads to better advocacy and behavior from all parties and allows for improved growth in personal and professional settings. Remember that each conflicting situation may be different but it is important to maintain balance between work and personal lives to encourage the best version of an individual in each setting. 

Fri 17 November 2023
As leaders, every individual has had to work with a difficult colleague. Someone who is counter productive to the team or challenging to get along with. Specifically, many struggle with identifying these difficult personality types in their groups and finding creative ways to pivot these traits to an asset. Within teams, specific behaviors can contribute to counterproductive work behavior, and disturb the natural growth and formation of teams. Across social and professional environments, distinct traits negatively affect development, leaders identifying these traits and shifting them to productive work environment behaviors heavily impacts the efficacy of leaders. 

Tools towards identifying these behaviors begin with intentional observation of your team, feedback from employees and analysis of the psychological safety of your employees. Constantly in work settings, feedback from direct reports and colleagues allow for growth and learning across all positions. 

Also important to keep in mind is that all of the following traits may be represented in team members. Each of these qualities falls on a spectrum, low demonstration may not endanger team success while frequent demonstration of these traits will heavily impact job satisfaction and success of teams. Each of the following traits may even be beneficial in specific workplace circumstances. 

To identify counterproductive work traits, start by identifying these personality types by the following behaviors:

  1. Narcissism
Most detectable through inflated self-esteem, narcissism can be spotted in individuals of all levels. An enhanced ego may lead to lack of empathy for others and a demand for recognition, threatening psychological safety in team environments. Individuals exhibiting these traits may have trouble accepting criticism or feedback. Being a necessity in workplace development, utilizing feedback is crucial for teams and especially, leaders. Managers who identify these traits in their team members should focus on turning these traits into a tool for their team. Consider using this individual as a point person for delegation, or as an “editor” to focus on attention to detail. 

2. Machiavellianism
The second leg of counterproductive work behavior is Machiavellianism. Noticeable through strategic manipulation, machiavellianists  may become identifiable through lack of empathy and focusing on personal gain, beyond a normal level. However, these individuals are often flexible and willing to adapt to achieve their desired outcomes. As a leader, this opens an opportunity for value alignment to impact goal commitment that would strengthen efforts towards a final project. However, without correct value alignment, this individual may endanger psychological safety of others through lack of understanding and care for others. If a manager suspects a member of their team may be a machiavellianist, they should focus on the analysis of psychological safety within the team environment. Individuals who exhibit traits of machiavellianism will negatively impact the efficacy of their teams. 

3. Psychopathy 
The final piece of counterproductive work behavior is Psychopathy. Individuals who are seen as anti-social and demonstrate a lack of remorse can be identified as psychopathic, creating an unstable work environment. In team environments, these individuals will frequently demonstrate a lack of empathy and low control over impulses. Leaders may also notice manipulative habits by these individuals and a disregard for team norms or practiced behaviors or, leaders may not notice these habits at all because these individuals are frequently well-versed in impression management and acting how they think a superior would want them to. Leaders should be cognizant to mitigate any discomfort caused by these individuals as it could further affect team behavior. To spot these behaviors, leaders must depend on feedback from team members to further understand In team settings, these characteristics may be helpful in being unaffected by stressful situations and maintaining a steady level of stress tolerance. 

Recall that the above traits are counter productive in extreme cases but natural in small doses. Managers should also consider the causes of these counterproductive work behaviors which could stem from different points of uncertainty within the workplace such as unclear roles and organizational change. 

As always in professional settings, it is crucial for leaders to evaluate teams on objective measures on a frequent basis to better understand team dynamics. In addition to measuring the success of teams, it is important to receive honest employee feedback on team members to ensure that the psychological safety of a team is not threatened by one individual. 

Finally, managers should be cognizant of these personality behaviors within themselves. Frequently as individuals climb the organizational hierarchy, their objectivity diminishes. Once an individual is near the top of an organization, it is common for narcissistic behavior to foster from lack of constructive criticism. Executives may feel “untouchable” yet, this feeling is counter productive to the work environment. To be a self aware manager in terms of these counterproductive behaviors, ensure that your employees feel safe and comfortable in sharing helpful feedback with you and, consider use of analytic softwares such as AIM Insights that allows for continuous feedback from both superiors and subordinates. 

Overall, managers must utilize their relationship management skills to thoroughly analyze and monitor teams in all work environments. Being a strong leader also means advocating for individuals within a team and fostering a safe environment that allows professionals to prioritize work-life balance. Managers set the tone for the team as a whole through all levels of development. Setting an example of self-awareness, an environment of embracing mistakes and learning from feedback will ultimately lead to the greatest success within a team. In addition to utilizing past leadership experiences, managers should create an environment that promotes adaptability. Every situation may not fall within ideal circumstances and great leaders are able to learn and grow in dynamic environments that fosters creative problem solving and creates strong work relationships and teamwork which in turn, will lead to the greatest successes. 

Mon 25 March 2024
Confronting a star employee who is excelling in their current role but may not be quite ready for a promotion presents a unique challenge for leaders. On one hand, acknowledging their exceptional performance is crucial for maintaining morale and motivation within the team. On the other hand, providing constructive feedback about their readiness for advancement requires delicate handling to ensure it doesn't undermine their confidence or commitment.

Leaders who take a structured approach to these difficult conversations are far more successful at handling them. Success looks like not only maintaining a positive working relationship after the conversation, but also laying out a plan for future growth. 

Done right, it’s a win-win approach: The employee leaves with a clear understanding of where they stand, feels valued, and is equipped with a plan that motivates them to move forward. The organization also increases retention and engagement. The key is to approach the conversation with empathy, support, and a growth mindset. What does this look like? 

  1. Empathy 

Start by acknowledging their efforts, validating their feelings, and assuring them that their hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed. Shift from a mindset of delivering bad news to one of developing shared understanding and distinguishing between the skills they are excelling at now as an individual contributor and how change as they develop into new leadership positions. This compassionate approach can ease the disappointment and foster a more positive, open dialogue.

For example, you can say: “I recognize how hard you’ve been working and the dedication you’ve shown in your role. I know you were looking forward to a promotion, and I want you to know that I see and appreciate your efforts. I also wanted to distinguish that the type of work that needs to be done in a promoted position is different from the work you are currently doing and I would like to see you excel in some of those strategic tasks before we move into the promotion.”

2. Support

This conversation is not merely about explaining why the promotion isn’t happening now; it’s an opportunity to affirm your belief in your employee’s abilities and potential.

Outline the positive aspects of their work. For example, you could say, “You’ve demonstrated excellent skills in your current area, and your contributions to the team have been invaluable. I believe further development here will position you strongly for a future promotion. Let’s look at what opportunities we can create together for you to develop the skills to get you ready.”

3. Growth Mindset 
Don’t let the conversation end in disappointment but rather in hope for future possibilities. A future-focused mindset will not only help identify what your employee needs to work on but also actively helps them get involved in chartering a path for future action.

You could say, “I see a lot of potential in you, and I believe in your ability to grow into your aspiring role.”

When discussing the specific reasons your employee isn’t getting their desired promotion, you need to address three dimensions: competence, potential, and perception. As you do so, anchor your conversations in where the person is now and what they need to do in order to advance. This focus on “now vs. needed” provides a roadmap that keeps the conversation constructive, supportive, and oriented toward future success.

When discussing an employee's readiness for promotion, it's crucial to consider both their competencies and how they're perceived within the organization. Competence encompasses the specific skills, knowledge, and capabilities required for a role. While acknowledging their achievements and dedication, it's important to highlight areas where further development is needed for advancement. Engage them in evaluating their current competencies and foster open dialogue about areas for improvement.

For example, you might say, "Currently, you're excelling in skill X, which is crucial in your current role. However, to progress, further development in skill Y is needed. Let's explore targeted training or projects to bridge this gap and prepare you for your next responsibilities."

Be also conscientious that by asking them to focus on the strategic leadership skills while still expecting their core individual contributor tasks to be effectively completed that they will initially be stretched a bit and potentially feel overwhelmed. By helping them prioritize their time and how much to focus on each activity, leaders can help their aspiring leaders more effectively manage their time.

Addressing common misconceptions about recognition and promotion emphasize that results alone are not enough. Perception of one's professional image also plays a crucial role. Actions are interpreted by others, and individuals have the power to shape how they're perceived at work.

For instance, you could express, "Many believe that results alone should speak for themselves in terms of recognition and promotion. While results are undoubtedly important, perception of your professional image is equally vital. It's not just about what you do but also how others interpret your actions. You have the ability to influence how you're perceived within the organization."

Overall, when discussing promotion readiness, it's essential to address both competencies and perception. By recognizing achievements, identifying areas for growth, and shaping a positive professional image, employees can better position themselves for future advancement opportunities.

Fri 6 September 2024
Luke is a dedicated team member, consistently performing well on his assigned tasks and developing strong working relationships with others on the team. Despite his exceptional performance, whenever his manager, Sarah, proposes opportunities for professional development he seems disinterested. Propositions for advancement through paid company programs for further education and conversations about future positions are frequently met with little enthusiasm. 

Sarah has worked closely with Luke for a number of years and wants to elevate Luke to the next level. Although Luke is a high performer, he needs to complete specific trainings in order to be considered for higher positions. With an opening for a position Luke would be well suited for, Sarah wants to motivate Luke to pursue development opportunities that would equip him for the role. 

While Luke is the ideal candidate and the company would prefer internal promotions, Sarah wonders if encouraging Luke to pursue a higher role is the best decision. Additionally, if Luke does transition to a new role, Sarah’s team would lose a valuable part of their team. As Luke has demonstrated disinterest in further advancement in the past, would he underperform if placed in this position? 

As a manager with vested interests in the success of their team members, it can be challenging to navigate situations where team members are disinterested in further advancement. Encouraging them to reach their full potential and pursue higher positions may appear to be the best solution, but an external hire might be more enthusiastic and well suited for the role. With such a complex situation at hand, Sarah must devise an approach to support Luke while also determining how to best fill the open position. She recognizes that some people have different Work Orientations and while some people are career oriented, meaning they are motivated by professional growth and learning new skills, not everyone is.

Clarify Priorities
It’s essential to understand what motivates an employee and where they want their career to go. Some employees may have personal reasons for wanting to remain in their current position. Others might simply be comfortable with in their current role and have no desire for an increase in responsibility. 

Employees may also seem disinterested in further advancement due to fear of failure. Fear of failure is often a huge deterrent for individuals within their professional career. Loss aversion is a cognitive bias that describes ones nature to be more inclined to avoid the pain of losing or failing thus deterring them from potential success or pleasure. Facilitating a conversation with the team member to identify why there is apparent disinterest in furthering their career can help identify these barriers and work to find solutions if desired. 

Encourage Without Pressure 

Everyones timeline for growth looks different. Balancing encouragement while not applying too much pressure to the situation can be a difficult feat. Offer opportunities for development, but don’t pressure employees into promotions if they aren’t ready. 

Since the employee is already a valuable member of the team, it’s important that they feel comfortable within the team. Stress from their manager encouraging them to pursue a position that they aren’t interested in can make them more stressed out, resulting in less motivation in their current role. Regardless of whether they want to pursue further advancement, they are still a valuable asset to the team and should feel supported in their journey 

Offer Gradual Growth

Rather than pushing an employee who isn’t ready into a full leadership role, offer smaller opportunities for increased responsibility. Opportunities such as leading small projects or mentoring new employees can allow them to take on leadership roles on a smaller scale. 

Experience with additional leadership can given them the opportunity to reflect on these opportunities to determine if a leadership role is right for them. Some employees may flourish in these new experiences, further solidifying that they are a right fit for a higher role. Other employees might use this opportunity to recognize this isn’t something they are interested in pursuing. Helping employees to gain additional experience as a leader is a great way for them to reflect on their interest in a more serious leadership 

Devise a Mentorship Program

Employees might need guidance to recognize their full potential. Gaining mentorship can build confidence and skills needed to assume leadership. Directly mentoring the employee or referring them to external mentorship programs are great ways to give them exposure to leaders who have been in their shoes. 

Horizontal mentorship programs can also serve as a great resource. Through horizontal mentorship programs, the team member can chat about issues they encounter in the workplace and any concerns they have about pursuing a higher leadership role. Being able to discuss these hesitations with others going through similar situations and help provide reassurance of capabilities. 

Sarah decided to set-up a one-on-one conversation with Luke for an in depth discussion of his professional goals. During this conversation Luke, shared that his lack of enthusiasm for further advancement stemmed from feeling unprepared for a leadership role. Together, Sarah and Luke devised a plan for Luke to slowly take on more responsibilities within the team to gradually prepare him for leadership roles. Along with this growth plan, they will meet monthly for mentorship chats and tackle any issues Luke encounters. 

Luke might not be ready for a promotion today, but his potential and strong contributions to the team remain. With time, Luke will continue to develop his leadership skills and work with Sarah to achieve the success Sarah knew Luke had potential for. 

Situations of that similar to Luke and Sarahs are a common issue leaders face and don’t have a one-size fits all solution. Some employees are like Luke and need mentorship and growth plans to feel more confident pursuing a leadership role. Other employees may just need time to become more comfortable with the idea of further advancement. While conversations and encouragement for advancement can lead to the pursuit of a leadership position, recognize that everyone’s journey is different and a managers role is to provide support along the way. 

Fri 6 September 2024
Continued professional education is not a new concept in the workplace. For years, teachers, accountants, lawyers, and many other professions have mandated the continuation of professional education for these individuals to be up to date on the new legislature and field changes. However, for unrequired industries, these educational opportunities are equally as important. Seeking developmental opportunities can be difficult, professionals are often worried that their employer may perceive their participation in these programs as dissatisfaction or intent to leave their current role. 

Attending development and growth programs relevant to any industry is essential for personal growth, career advancement, and performance enhancement in nearly every role. Continued education programs encourage life-long learning, stress the importance of keeping up with industry trends and practices, and exhibit the value of new skills and perspectives within an individual's career. 

Educational and professional development opportunities within the workplace have become scarce. It is a challenging task for managers to find developmental programs for a variety of roles and, focuses. Managers often feel lost with configuring resources to upskill their employees.  Managers often struggle to encourage their direct reports to seek continual development because they want to maintain the employee's commitment and focus in their current role. Seeking professional development opportunities does not directly indicate that an individual is dissatisfied or unhappy in their role. Those motivated by learning and new environments may become more committed to their role with the opportunity for professional growth. 

Nevertheless, each individual must take their advancements into their own hands. As creatures of habit, it is easy for humans to get stuck in a rut or become complacent in their jobs. Every individual must take charge and drive their career paths and advancements by proactively seeking opportunities to broaden their knowledge, perspectives, and experiences. 

Professional development programs take on a variety of forms and focus. Based on interests, level of formality, and availability, individuals can find the perfect space to grow their capabilities. However, seeking these opportunities through employers may not yield adequate opportunities for development or learning. To find the best-fit opportunities, individuals should conduct their own research and determine what the best next step may be to broaden their knowledge, skills, and experiences. 

Finding adequate options for development programs and determining the best route for career advancement is a challenging task for most. Depending on the formality, commitment and cost, there are different routes best for specific scenarios. Here is a deep dive into 3 Categories of learning opportunities for direct reports seeking professional development and advancement programs:

  1. Workshops
Attending workshops or seminars relevant to any professional industry is a stepping-stone to advancement, growth, and performance improvement. Workshops and seminars may be presented in different ways on a variety of topics but can generally be broken into two overarching categories. 

The first category is seminars or workshops focused on industry-specific topics, including niche topics or tools to help participants broaden or improve their skill set within a specific role, group, or industry. On the other hand, general skills workshops focus on over-arching topics relevant to advancement and growth in a variety of industries. General skills workshops commonly focus on topics related to leadership or soft skills such as management or organization.  A general skills workshop may focus on leadership or communication and may be most impactful when entire teams participate or, in the use of preparation for leadership roles. 

Interactive workshops, like executive mastermind groups, can be a great way to gain objectivity, learn from others, and improve one’s own skill set.

2. Certificates
The continuation of formal education can be a paramount tool for the development and possible advancement of professionals across industries and positions. Those seeking to continue their education in a formal setting outside of traditional secondary or post-graduate education should consider certificates and licensures. In obtaining these licensures or certificates, individuals are enabled to broaden their roles, responsibilities, and industry knowledge. For each industry or role, there are a variety of opportunities available for certifications. Compared to workshops, certificates tend to take a more formal setting. Content to obtain a certificate is commonly done through a course or a several-day seminar, usually capped with an exam. Certificates are a strong form of professional advancement because in the event that individuals seek new roles, certificates, and licensures are a concrete representation of knowledge, experience, and education in a specific field. 

The AIM Insights People Leader Certification can be a great avenue for a leader to showcase their abilities and benchmark their performance compared to other leaders of similar teams.

3. Mentorship
Mentorship is a crucial tool for developing strong leaders and integrating team culture throughout different levels of the workplace. However, a seemingly informal form of professional development, establishing mentorship connections is highly impactful in an individual's ability to lead and advance in their fields. 

Mentor and mentee connections are a key differentiator in individuals' capacity to learn from new perspectives and adapt in the workplace. Mentorship may be implemented in professional atmospheres through a variety of ways but essentially should aid in the personal and professional development of younger generations from those with more experience in the industry. However, not all firms or companies facilitate adequate mentorship connections. Individuals seeking mentorship may consider joining mentorship groups or joining professionally focused organizations. For example, certified public accountants (CPAs) may join the AICPA and establish mentoring relationships with other accountants who have more industry experience or, accounting experience in other focuses. 

By exploring a diverse variety of options in professional advancement programs, individuals have the opportunity to improve their expertise, gain valuable skills, and expand their industry knowledge. Given the wide array of advancement opportunities, formality levels, and time commitments, every individual should actively seek opportunities to better themselves and their career path. 

Professionals across all industries and roles can immensely benefit from continuous education in their fields. Regardless of position, every team may benefit from seminars on improving communication, leadership, or team culture. The most imperative key to success is drive. Those seeking promotion or advancement should take charge of their future career path, and participate in a variety of programs and activities that will enable them to succeed. No matter their success or experience, every professional has something to learn. 

Fri 18 October 2024
While dependents are great when filing taxes, they are way less beneficial to have as team members. Instead of providing a nice tax break, overly dependent team members seek constant approval, require guidance for simple tasks, and avoid making decisions they are qualified to do. This constant need for external support results in ordinary tasks taking copious amounts of time, ultimately decreasing team productivity. While it’s natural for employees to seek guidance, too much reliance on direction from managers can affect individual and team performance. The challenge for managers is how to transform these dependents into self-sufficient team members who are confident in their abilities. 

What Causes Manager Dependency? 

When managing an overly dependent team member it’s crucial to consider the root cause of their over-reliance. The main causes of manager dependency include micromanagement, lack of confidence, inexperience, and fear of consequences. 

  • Micromanagement
Employees who have experienced a micromanager on their previous team may lack exposure to functioning autonomously. While their frequent seeking of approval is exhausting on this team, it was the norm on their previous team. Similarly, it’s important to reflect on personal management styles to ensure micromanagement isn’t occurring. Managers often struggle to delegate tasks and allow team members to take ownership of their work. Reflect to ensure delegation strategies are implemented throughout the team. 

If a team member joined the team with little to no prior experience, they may still receive treatment like the ‘newbie’ despite working on the team for a considerable time. Reflect on management styles with this employee to ensure they are treated appropriately.

  • Lack of Confidence 
Team members also may be dependent due to a lack of confidence. Doubting their abilities leads employees to seek additional reassurance when completing tasks or making decisions because they believe this will prevent errors or failure. While they have good intentions of avoiding mistakes, this can create a cycle of continued dependency ultimately decreasing productivity. 

Lacking confidence can manifest as a result of poor psychological safety. Creating a safe space for employees to make mistakes and receive constructive feedback works to build confidence and allow team members to feel comfortable taking educated risks. 

  • Inexperience 
In certain situations, new or inexperienced team members might lack exposure to specific tasks they are responsible for completing. This lack of prior knowledge can lead them to seek additional guidance when carrying out the tasks. To promote more autonomy for team members with limited experience, provide clear directions and expectations for their assigned tasks. Additionally, provide resources they can refer to throughout the task and develop mechanisms for them to get more structured feedback while progressing through the assignment. 

  • Fear of Consequences 
A workplace culture that heavily scrutinizes and penalizes mistakes can develop dependent tendencies within teams. This overemphasis on failure avoidance and perfection may prevent team members from taking risks or frequently seeking approval. When employees feel a mistake could lead to repercussions such as disciplinary action or criticism, they become more risk-averse. Furthermore, this fear of consequences can stifle innovation due avoidance of innovative yet, risky solutions. 

General Strategies to Limit Dependency 
After considering what is contributing to team members dependency, managers must develop strategies to progressively decrease dependent behaviors. 

1. Slowly Increase Responsibility– progressively allowing team members to gain responsibility will signal trust in their capabilities. Slowly increase their responsibility through delegating more significant tasks overtime to build confidence and competence. Tasking them with more responsibility will allow them to feel more capable and have an increase since of ownership over their work. Break down milestones and deadlines into smaller, more achievable goals. When each goal is achieved, make sure to celebrate their successes to continue to develop self-assurance. 

2. Provide Clear Directions– when communicating tasks or how to get feedback, make sure to provide specific instructions. Reliance on management can arise when team members are unsure of the directions they are given and consequently ask a lot of questions. To prevent this constant bombardment of inquiries and reassurance, articulate tasks thoroughly. This can be achieved through demonstrating examples, asking if they have initial questions, and providing resources they can utilize when they encounter difficulties. The goal is to provide sufficient information, so they don’t need further guidance. 

3. Establish Boundaries– team member should know when they are empowered to make their own decisions. Discuss clear boundaries so employees know when to seek approval from management and when they are encouraged to be independent. To better establish when team members can seek support, set up regular meetings to discuss concerns and relevant questions. Creating a set time to provide assistance will prevent them from seeking out guidance throughout the day. Over time, these meetings can decrease in frequency as the employee becomes more confident and autonomous. 

4. Accept Mistakes– throughout this process of developing independence it is crucial for managers to accept mistakes. Although mistakes may occur more often due to the less frequent clarifications, the dependent employee will become better at working independently over time. Being hypercritical of mistakes when trying to boost confidence is counterproductive. Provide constructive feedback and make sure to celebrate successes. Not only should managers being accepting of mistakes, but it is important to foster this acceptance of mistakes in the dependent employee as well. Work to help them develop a growth mindset, so they start seeing setbacks as opportunities. 

Working to reduce dependency can be a challenging initiative. Even with increasing responsibilities, communicating clear directions, establishing boundaries, and developing a safe place to make mistakes, team members may still struggle to become more independent. Recognize that each employee is different so different strategies may need to be utilized to coach them towards independence. If consistent issues arise, seek advice from mentors who have experienced similar challenges to learn about successful strategies they have utilized. 

Throughout this process of increasing independence, remember that team members won’t become autonomous overnight. Working to change their natural habits will require patience and guidance. Help theme to take small steps each day to become more confident completing tasks on their own. 

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