Kayla Ambrose
Kayla Ambrose


Fri 12 July 2024
In the consulting industry, expertise and analytical skills are paramount in building a client base, however, these technical competencies cannot overshadow the importance of relationship management. While vast technical knowledge is critical in delivering effective consulting services, maintaining strong relationships can be the difference between winning and losing clients. Recognizing the importance of cultivating and maintaining meaningful relationships serves as a crucial step for creating a strong client base. 

The Value of Strong Relationships 
Developing strong relationships with clients takes consistent and substantial effort. Dedicating time to build rapport increases trust, develops a mutual understanding, and sustains the relationship for future projects. 

  1. Trust and Credibility
Clients are more likely to engage with consultants that they trust and have established credibility. This trust is established through many transparent interactions over an extended period of time. While building trust takes a considerable amount of time, clients will more actively seek services and confidently implement strategies from consultants they trust. 

Building trust is partially contingent on technical skills since such skills allow for quality deliverables and a sound knowledge base. Although these skills establish credibility, a trustworthy relationship expands beyond skills and is achieved through dedication to consistently deliver quality services promptly. 

2. Enhanced Understanding
Understanding the scope of a project can be achieved simply through a conversation with a client. Developing strong relationships takes this understanding further by delving into the client's needs, challenges, and aspirations. Truly understanding a client involves working to grasp the client’s organizational culture, business operations, and industry at large. 

By spending time with clients and initiating conversations about broader motivations, consultants can identify conflicts and opportunities that may not have been initially apparent. During conversations, actively listening and carefully posing questions to provoke deep dialogue allows consultants to gain an enhanced perspective on the client's needs. Through a deeper understanding, consultants can provide more targeted strategies and increase client satisfaction. 

3. Relationship Longevity
Creating a long-term partnership with clients is the key to success as a consultant. Providing consulting services to a client isn’t limited to one project. Clients are more likely to reach out to consultants they’ve previously worked with for future consulting services. With an established relationship, there are added benefits of an understanding of the business functions and more efficient integration to the problem at hand. 

In addition to collaborating on multiple projects, long-term relationships allow for increased advisory roles within the decision-making process. When consulting with a client for an extended period of time, they are more receptive to advice and will be more inclined to seek external insights from their consultant on more important issues. This increased involvement within an engagement is only achieved through a strong relationship and immense trust. 

Cultivating Strong Relationships
While the importance of strong relationships may appear evident, cultivating strong relationships often proves more difficult. Time and many interactions are necessary to build and maintain relationships, but implementing effective strategies for approaching client relationships can help expedite and expand upon relationship-building efforts. 

  • Proximity and Communication
Consistent communication with clients works to build comfort and an increased sense of accessibility. Consultants can leverage communication to establish proximity with clients build rapport and establish connections. Regular updates and check-ins allow consultants to stay informed of current projects and the needs of clients or potential clients. 

It can be difficult to stay up to date with former clients or potential clients when not currently collaborating with them. While reaching out on a regular basis may be sufficient in maintaining a relationship, groups such as executive mastermind groups can allow consultants to regularly interact with potential clients and initiate natural conversations about current challenges and changes. 

  • Follow Through 
Following through on commitments is a cornerstone of establishing strong relationships with clients. When consultants make promises to clients, it’s important to deliver on these commitments in a timely manner. Whether it's communicating updates or larger project deadlines, honoring commitments is a crucial way to build trust. 

When following through on commitments, establishing realistic expectations and deadlines are key components. Consultants should be transparent about the level of detail and timeframe they can reasonably complete tasks for their clients. Failure to deliver on commitments or extending deadlines can cause strain on relationships and break previously established trust. 

  • Adaptability and Flexibility
Consultants work with clients to support their needs, so the ability to adapt to the changing needs of clients is vital for consultants. Willingness to be flexible with deadlines and approaches is greatly appreciated by clients. 

Flexibility not only entails adapting to adjusted timelines but also considering client feedback and making adjustments accordingly. Taking into account changing client needs and prioritizing what’s in their best interest demonstrates that a consultant truly values and understands their clients. 

Impact of Strong Relationships 
The strength of client relationships directly impacts the success of consultants. Strong relationships increase client retention rates for consultants because clients are more likely to seek future services from consultants they have an established relationship. With a previously developed understanding of the client’s business functions, consultants can more effectively transition onto new projects without lag time. Not only can strong relationships generate additional projects with former clients, but satisfied clients will be more inclined to provide referrals generating more business. 

In addition to retaining clients, strong relationships provide a competitive advantage. When choosing a consultant, clients are more likely to choose a consultant they have previous positive experiences with and consultants with established credibility. With a competitive consulting market, strong relationships serve as a powerful differentiating factor from competitors with lower prices or comparable capabilities. 

Risk mitigation is another added benefit of strong client relationships. Clients who are comfortable with their consultants may share potential concerns or problems earlier on than those who are unfamiliar with their consultants. Comfortability with addressing concerns allows consultants to proactively address problems and mitigate additional risks from problems being identified later within the project. Risks can also be mitigated through addressing conflicts between consultants and their clients. If a contentious or difficult situation arises, clients are more likely to be cooperative with consultants they have a strong relationship with. 

When seeking consulting services, clients have many options to consider. While technical skills and expertise are important for providing quality services, strong relationships serve as a key differentiating factor. By consistently communicating with clients, following through on commitments, and adapting to evolving client needs, consultants can establish powerful relationships that increase retention rates, develop a competitive edge, and mitigate risks. The impact of implementing strategies to cultivate client relationships is profound and can positively shift consultants' success. With a highly competitive consulting market, consultants must invest in establishing and maintaining strong client relationships. 

Fri 28 June 2024
Mid-year evaluations are critical for maintaining motivation, addressing concerns, and setting goals for a successful performance during the year's second half. During these evaluations, Managers and employees can openly discuss past performance, current focuses, and future expectations to ensure continuous improvement and engagement. Through effective and meaningful performance reviews, managers can align team goals with organizational objectives to set their team up for success during the year's second half. 

Importance of Mid-Year Reviews

When preparing for mid-year reviews, recognizing the importance of evaluations and their critical functions can greatly increase effectiveness and efficiency. Establishing meetings with each team member to provide feedback allows for increased communication and problem-solving abilities. While performance metrics may be utilized to gather information on each individual's performance throughout the year, underlying factors may be impacting the success of some team members. Creating this opportunity to communicate with them can identify challenges and allow for discussion on possible solutions. 

Along with facilitating communication, mid-year reviews serve as a means for goal adjustments. While establishing goals at the beginning of the year can be effective, team members must reflect upon their goals throughout the year and make adjustments accordingly. Factors impacting a goal may have developed throughout the year resulting in the completion of goals or potential setbacks. These new factors are important to incorporate into mid-year reviews to establish attainable goals for the second half of the year.  

One of the most crucial benefits of conducting effective mid-year reviews is maintaining motivation and engagement for team members. During the year, team members can lose motivation and struggle to recognize the purpose of their work. By allowing for one-on-one conversations that focus on supporting each individual, managers can collaborate with team members to develop solutions to re-engage their team. 

Strategies for Effective Mid-Year Reviews: 

  1. Prepare Thoroughly 
Proper preparation for mid-year reviews is indicative of the effectiveness of mid-year reviews. Throughout the year, managers should keep track of the performance of their team members to incorporate within their reviews. Performance software can be utilized to gather data on individual team members to track progress and drive goal-setting. In addition to manager preparation, it is important to encourage team members to prepare for their performance reviews. Encouraging self-reflection on employee performance for the first half of the year will allow them to come prepared for the meeting and highlight success potentially overlooked by management. Reflection can also identify areas for improvement, helping team members to make adjustments to their personal goals. 
To ensure effectiveness for mid-year reviews, managers should encourage open dialogue during the meeting. Identifying open-ended questions that allow team members the opportunity to share their insights can drive meaningful discussions on team productivity. Creating an open and honest environment will encourage team members to provide authentic feedback and areas for improvement benefiting the team as a whole. Ultimately, the goal of establishing open communication is to demonstrate support for team members and continue to motivate their continued growth. 

3. Constructive Feedback 
A key element of conducting effective mid-year evaluations is to deliver constructive feedback to each individual. Collecting specific behaviors to improve upon and highlighting specific achievements are beneficial to creating individualized performance reviews. Emphasizing specific occurrences rather than generalizations is important because it allows the feedback to be more understandable and easier to implement solutions for within the remainder of the year. 

4. Goal Setting 
Establishing metrics and means for team members to develop goals creates motivations for team improvement. When conducting goal setting, establishing specific performance criteria develops a more structured means for team members to gauge their performance throughout the year. Collaborate with each team member to ensure that the goals created best reflect the objectives of the team and each individual. 

5. Action Steps and Follow-ups
Conducting mid-year reviews are incomplete if they lack further actionable steps and methods for goal applications. Identifying development opportunities for team members to have a curated improvement plan can serve as an effective means for learning and growth. Within development plans, incorporating a timeline for following up on the implementation of development plans will encourage accountability and maintain motivation. 

Employee Bonus Structure 
An important aspect of mid-year reviews is recognizing achievements and rewarding team members accordingly. While it may seem motivating to distribute bonuses to all team members on a semiannual or annual basis, direct reports with exceptional performance may lose motivation due to a lack of incentive. Developing a structure to motivate team members and recognize achievements is a primary purpose of effective bonus structures. 

In addition to considering who receives bonuses, an important consideration is who will determine bonuses. Upper management or middle management may be tasked with determining which team members receive bonuses based on their annual or semiannual performance. Both approaches have benefits and drawbacks to consider when implementing. 

Upper Managers Determining Bonuses
  • Fairness: Upper management interacts less with team members, which can prevent favoritism or potential bias. Additionally, upper management can ensure bonuses that are more standardized across all teams. 
  • Organizational Goal Alignment: Since upper management has a better understanding of organizational objectives, they can ensure that bonus allocations properly align with the direction of the organization. 
  • Resource Allocation: With increased knowledge of the financial resources available, upper management can reward bonuses that are consistent with the organization's budget. 

  • Limited Direct Interaction: Upper management doesn’t interact directly with employees daily. This limited interaction can lead to less of a perspective on the actual performance of individuals. 
  • Employee Morale: Since employees aren’t directly interacting with upper management, they may feel disconnected from them. This lack of interaction may lead employees to feel unmotivated and unable to change bonus outcomes due to their actions. 

Middle Managers Determining Bonuses
  • Proximity to Employee: Middle management works directly with employees, thus allowing them to have a greater understanding of each individual's actual contributions. 
  • Timeliness: When relaying review feedback to employees, middle managers can inform them of bonus decisions associated directly with the feedback. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of how performance is tied to bonus rewards. 
  • Increased Motivations: Employees may feel more motivated to perform well daily because they know their interactions with their manager are directly influencing their bonus potential. 

  • Potential for Bias: Middle managers can possess bias towards employees since they interact directly with them. This bias or potential favoritism can influence the perceived performance of employees and who is deserving of a bonus. 
  • Limited Perspective: Middle managers may have limited knowledge of organizational goals, leading their bonus allocation to be misaligned with company objectives 

Balancing Approaches 
A balance of both approaches can be utilized to mitigate the weaknesses of each approach while leveraging the strengths of both. This can be achieved through collaboration between middle managers and upper management to develop a comprehensive approach to bonus determination. Since middle managers have more direct interactions with team members, they can convey insights to upper management on team member performance beyond the statistics. Using a balanced approach, upper management can monitor for potential middle manager bias, ensuring a fair bonus recipient structure. 

Mid-year performance reviews are a powerful tool for ensuring motivation, goal progression, and continued development. Through proper preparation, honest communication, relaying feedback, setting goals, and establishing actionable plans, managers can maximize the effectiveness of individual reviews. Along with ensuring review effectiveness, providing incentives for high-performing team members encourages motivation throughout the year. Considering approaches for establishing objective and accurate allocation of bonuses is critical. 

As the year approaches the halfway mark, managers must consider strategies to ensure their teams are on track to meet their yearly goals. Mid-year reviews are a crucial tool to motivate employees to continue to excel towards their goals or to redirect employees struggling to perform, ultimately serving as a support system for all team members to reach organizational goals. 

Sun 16 June 2024
When confronted with complex challenges, gaining a clear perspective and developing an effective strategy can be daunting. During these situations, it may prove valuable to utilize external resources to receive a fresh perspective on the matter at hand. Recognizing when to pursue external expertise can transform problem-solving through added insights and industry-specific knowledge pertaining to intricate issues. 

Although seeking a consultant may present as the most impactful solution, not all challenges are suitable for receiving external assistance. Knowing how to navigate challenges and identify when to pursue outside aid can be pivotal to making informed decisions that best align with company goals. The following signs can help identify when to reach out for assistance from a consultant. 

  1. Inability to Meet Goals 
Utilizing metrics to measure individual and company performance is the best indicator of success. While failure to meet expectations once can be a fluke, persistent failure to adhere to performance expectations signifies a larger problem. If considerable effort to remedy this inability to meet goals leads to no avail, hiring a consultant is a powerful next step. Clear indications that the company as a whole needs assistance is through monitoring quarterly financial goals. Consistent decreases in quarterly financials can indicate that an outside perspective is needed to help identify the causes of underperformance. 
Other metrics to consider are employee-specific metrics. Using executive insight software, management can gauge the performance and sentiments of direct reports. Misalignment of management expectations and real employee data may indicate the need for external perspectives. The people within the company largely impact the productivity of the company, so ensuring the satisfaction of management and team members is fundamental. Seeking assistance from management consultants can help to regain organizational buy-in

2. Limited In-House Resources 
A lack of team members who have expertise within an area required for a specific project may indicate a need to hire a consultant. For example, the lack of a social media strategist for a large-scale marketing project can limit the success of a project. While the company may not require a full-time team member to maintain the company's social media presence, expertise on the best initial approaches to establishing the company within the space will help guide the team. Depending on the time and importance of the project at hand, it may be wise to seek external guidance rather than relying on current team members to gain additional skills. 

Technological advancements possess the potential to revolutionize the way that a company operates. From general bookkeeping or communication software advancements to intricate industry-specific technological developments, updating current company technology can prove beneficial. Failure to keep up with technological advancements can leave a company far behind competitors. Lacking in-house knowledge about current technological trends and implementation methods can be incredibly limiting for companies. Industry consultants have insights into technological changes within the industry and may be familiar with the best implementation strategies. Recognizing that a consultant is more knowledgeable about the technological space may indicate that getting assistance with new technology implementation is necessary. 

3. Lacking Inspiration and Burn-out
Stalling with idea creation is a glaring indication that additional help should be explored. It is difficult to determine what to do next and leaders must maintain a clear vision and direction for their company. While sharing ideas with other management members is a great step for gaining inspiration, a completely external source can provide a new source for ideation. Impartial and fresh perspectives gained from consultants present an effective addition to ideation processes. 

Along with needing additional inspiration sources, personal burnout as an executive or manager can be detrimental to the productivity of the company. Management positions are rigorous and demanding on a daily basis. It is normal for managers to need additional emotional support. Reaching out to consultants to develop strategies to combat symptoms of burnout or decrease overall stress from work is a useful tool. If hiring a consultant to manage burnout symptoms seems overwhelming, a lower commitment alternative such as peer mentor groups can be an effective first step. 

4. Time-Sensitive Projects 
An important consideration when determining whether to seek consulting is the time sensitivity of the project. Different projects possess varying degrees of time sensitivity. A project with a quickly approaching deadline or a short turnaround time may signal external aid should be utilized. Consultants are familiar with working under strict time constraints, so additional expertise working in a short time frame can relieve some stress. 

While having more hands on deck through the utilization of consultations may save time, it is important to evaluate the time-sensitive project on a case-by-case basis. Hiring consultants and updating them on the current project may prove to take a lot of time. Collaborating with a consulting team that has been utilized by the company in the past and is incredibly familiar with the company will require less time to update. Keeping this in mind can help guide the decision-making process on whether to involve an external consulting team.  

Hiring a consultant can appear to be an intimidating process. Determining whether a consultant would be beneficial is the first step in tackling any complex challenge at hand. While consulting may not be the right fit for a problem, hiring a new employee or contracting out work are other alternatives to get increased manpower to delegate tasks. 

Another solution for management who is hesitant to seek guidance from a consultant is to join a consultant-led mastermind group. These mastermind groups are comprised of other executives who have encountered similar problems. Together, group members can collaborate and seek advice from one another. Consultant-led mastermind groups allow executives and consultants leading the group to develop a relationship before committing to full consulting services. 

Regardless of the challenge at hand, knowing what tools are available and being familiar with them can simplify the problem-solving process. Consultants serve a multitude of functions including, improving performance, providing additional resources, assisting with creative ideation, and expediting time-sensitive projects. While consultants are a valuable resource, considering other problem-solving tools and critically evaluating each project are crucial to determining the optimal solution. 

Thu 30 May 2024
When building trust and engaging with potential new clients, executive mastermind groups are one of the most powerful tools small business consultants can implore. These mastermind groups bring together various small business owners to facilitate high-level discussions of the real-life problems they face. Together, small business owners can share insights, discuss problems,  and develop innovative solutions based on their experiences. By facilitating a mastermind group, small business consultants can have a seat at the table. 

Small business owners may be more hesitant to receive consulting services because outsiders do not know the intricacies of their business and how it operates. Building trust with small business owners through mastermind group sessions can break the barrier of unfamiliarity preventing these small business owners from seeking consulting services. Furthermore, these small business owners may be wary about using such services simply due to unfamiliarity with the process. Allowing them to become familiar with the collaborative problem-solving processes used in mastermind groups can work to create an open mind about reaching out for consulting. 

Other concerns small business owners may have with consulting services include a lack of understanding and the perceived value of implementing consulting services. Small business owners may be unfamiliar with the available consulting resources specializing in tackling challenges that small businesses face. Even small business owners who are aware of these services, may not recognize the value of consulting services and think they can solve all problems on their own. Introduction to a mastermind group can help to break down these preconceived notions that all problems must be solved within the company and help them recognize how collaborative consulting can truly revolutionize their business. 

How do mastermind groups function? 

In determining whether facilitating a mastermind group will be a positive addition to one's current small business consulting initiatives, it’s crucial to understand what exactly mastermind groups are. Mastermind groups comprise a group of peers collaborating to provide support to one another through shared experiences. For the purpose of building a mastermind group comprised of potential clients, a mastermind group can include strictly small business owners. During regular meetings, each group member can discuss recent challenges or problems they are struggling with and receive guidance from other group members who have faced or are facing similar challenges. 

As a facilitator, advice can also be provided, however, this also presents an opportunity for offering more in-depth consulting services. Group members who are struggling, for example, with how to improve their company’s credit rating, may need more individualized recommendations to properly resolve this issue. Being a facilitator of these mastermind groups allows knowledge about which small business owner is struggling with this problem and may need more specialized help from a small business consultant. Facilitating these mastermind groups gives direct access to potential clients and current challenges they are struggling with. 

How does the creation of mastermind groups work? 

Acquiring small business owners to join a mastermind group without experience facilitating such groups can be a daunting task. This is where utilizing the help from companies with existing mastermind groups is beneficial. Some companies currently specialize in leading mastermind groups and have processes developed to acquire members of mastermind groups and resources on how to structure these meetings. Ambition in Motion (AIM) currently leads many mastermind groups and has recently launched services catered specifically to small business consultants interested in facilitating their own mastermind group. 

Investing in a license to utilize AIM’s executive mastermind groups, not only provides access to a network of potential new clients, it builds trust and meaningful relationships with small business owners. After licensing AIM’s mastermind group, the business development team will conduct client outreach through LinkedIn and other channels to build a mastermind group consisting of small business owners who are excited about this new opportunity. After the initial outreach, communication with potential mastermind group members will be handled directly and connections with these small business owners will begin to develop. 

Why is licensing AIM Mastermind Groups unique?

Licensing AIM’s Mastermind Group provides many benefits, primarily through the initial establishment of the groups. As mentioned previously, AIM will work directly on the mastermind group member reach out. It can be overwhelming to determine where to start with outreach efforts, so assistance from AIM’s business development team helps to guide these initial steps and set the mastermind group up for success. Additionally, AIM’s small business roots can provide a connection with these small business owners who may trust other small businesses but shy away from the word ‘consultants’. 

In addition to mastermind group member acquisition and the small business connection that AIM provides, overall more affordable licensing packages are a significant benefit of utilizing these services. Oftentimes, small businesses don’t have large budgets that can be used for mastermind groups or consulting services. A more affordable option will attract small business owners who were turned off in the past from such services due to their higher costs. Not only is the pricing attractive to small business owners, but the licensing fee for anyone interested in starting their own mastermind group is cost-effective. 

As a consultant, it can be difficult to obtain small business clients due to their resistance to change and outside help. Through licensing mastermind groups, consultants will gain access to various small business owners seeking to solve business problems while also building relationships with these owners. With this unique mastermind group connection, small business consultants can gain insights about current problems small business owners are facing and transition group members who need additional consulting expertise into clients. 

Fri 17 May 2024
Relocating for career growth is a decision that dramatically impacts both professional and personal life. The prospect of moving to a new country with the promise of career advancement, exposure to different cultures, and personal growth may present numerous benefits. In some cases, upper level management may even present relocation as a fast track to advancing towards more long term goals due to the increased knowledge gained from working at different company branches. Despite these exciting opportunities, there are certainly challenges that must be taken into account before taking this huge step. 

Pros of Career Relocation 

  1. Accelerated Career Advancement 
When propositioned with a job relocation, management may indicate that this new opportunity may accelerate career advancement within the company. Regardless of whether it is explicitly stated by management, relocating often leads to more rapid advancement due to the breadth of knowledge acquired when working at a different branch. Being exposed to business operations at different branches allows for increased perspective of how the company operates internationally. Relocating also demonstrates immense flexibility and adaptability which are important traits for management positions. 

Willingness to relocate can allow for accelerated career progression due to the expanded professional network obtained by working for other branches. When moving to a new location, there is a new set of management and team members to work with. The opportunity to meet new people can allow for both professional and personal growth as they can share their perspectives and experiences. 

2. Personal Growth 

Living and working in a foreign country provides many opportunities for personal growth. Entering this new environment can lead to a lot of self reflection and opportunities for self fulfillment. Being immersed in an entirely new culture also helps to develop greater empathy and enhanced communication skills. Learning how to adapt to different customs and ways of life within this new culture can provide new perspectives and understanding of personal preferences. Not only do these new experiences provide personal growth, but they can also allow for personal development that is transferable to managing and working in team settings.

3. Competitive Edge 

Exposure to working internationally is an incredibly valuable experience that can be leveraged within the job market. Employers often seek individuals who have international experience and have an understanding of diverse cultures. International experience indicates to employers that an employee is adaptable and resilient which is advantageous over other candidates. In particular, globalized companies will often favor candidates with international experience as these individuals will have increased understanding of the different facets that come with international branches. 

Cons of Career Relocation 

  1. Culture Adaptation 
While the introduction to a new culture may be an enriching experience, there are many struggles that come along with adapting to a new culture. Language barriers present many challenges when it comes to living and working in a new country. Regardless of whether the country has the same language, different vocabulary or common phrases can be difficult to adjust to. Considerable time may need to be spent learning the local language, which is important to consider when determining whether to relocate. 

Adapting to the local culture also includes fostering new relationships with coworkers and making new friends. Since there are cultural differences, it can be difficult to build these relationships. Getting involved in the community and with groups at work are to ways to develop strong relationships within a new home. It isn’t always easy to build meaningful relationships, so it can take more time and effort during already busy times. 

2. Family considerations 
For many people considering job relocation, family is a large consideration. While moving to a new country may be the best step for ones personal career, spouses or partners may struggle to find a job in the new location. Making the decision together and discussing potential drawbacks for their career is incredibly important. Similarly, uprooting children can be a difficult feat as they can have strong connections with friends and family that make them reluctant to leave. Since they may not fully understand the motivations for moving to another country, including them in the conversation can help them feel recognized and more onboard with the big decision. 

Another consideration that may be applicable is the timeline of the relocation and how that may effect the family dynamic. If the relocation is short term, an option may be that the family stays at home for the short duration of the relocation. This option presents emotional difficulties that can come from extended periods of time without seeing loved ones, but it is important to exhuast all potential options. 

3. Financial Considerations 
Financial aspects such as cost of living and relocation compensation packages are important when determining whether relocating is a feasible option. The cost of living varies in each country, so determining how far the new salary will go to cover personal expenses can help the decision making process. Additionally, negotiating with management to determine resonable compensation for the move should take into consideration a potentially higher cost of living as well as expenses associated with the move such as shipping costs. 

Another important financial consideration is determining to rent or sell current accommodations. If moving abroad is a short term venture, then it may be resonable to rent out current property. However, it may not be feasible to maintain one property in the home country while also paying for accommodations in another country. Considering different options and looking into personal finances will help to navigate this decision. 

While there are many benefits and challenges that go along with relocating abroad, there are many other factors to consider when making this decision such as the timeline for this relocation, company support, documentation and personal preferences. 

The timeline is important to consider as a short term or long term time abroad may be more appealing. If the company doesn’t present potential repatriation in the near future, it may be important to reflect on whether permanent relocation is an option that satisfies personal long term goals. 

When discussing the time period of the relocation, companies should also include appropriate support and relocation assistance. Some companies offer assistance finding temporary housing, shipping belongings, and even help enrolling children in schools. Especially in countries with drastically different cultures, training to become more acclimated to the new culture and language can be incredibly useful resources provided by the company. 

Another logistical challenge when moving abroad that the company may provide assistance for is receiving correct documentation. Depending on the duration of this relocation, a work visa or more extensive documentation will be required to live and work abroad. Having proper resources within the company to help obtain these documents can tremendously ease the relocation process and are important aspects to discuss with management when making a decision. 

Regardless of all the different factors to consider surrounding relocation, reflecting on personal preferences is a pivotal component. Some people are content staying in their home environment while others thrive when exposed to change. Reflecting on what will personally provide a more satisfying living and working environment can truly make or break the decision to relocate.