Let's talk about Impossible Goals

Or as a colleague of mine calls them BHAGs (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals)

Chip Stapleton , Wed 6 January 2021
Let's talk about Impossible Goals - or as a colleague of mine calls them BHAGs (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals). These are goals that seem completely ridiculous today but speak directly to what you want in your core being. 
It most likely is impossible today. But I learned that "Impossible" is temporary. We have been told that your goals need to not be "Impossible." Not exactly worded that way, but that was the intent. Many times, you hear “Make the goal realistic” or “Attainable.” And I agree with that, to an extent. I have found that often what a person thinks is realistic to them, is far less than they could actually achieve. So, setting a goal that is impossible today, doesn't mean to it won't be possible tomorrow. Every little step you take opens doors and opportunities that didn't exist before. 
However, the goal cannot be arbitrary. For example, if my BHAG is something like “I want to be worth $10 million dollars.” by itself is not good enough. I need to be emotionally connected to the impossible to achieve it. In other words, WHY do I want to be worth $10 million dollars? Why $10 million? Are the reasons materialistic? Philanthropic? The motivations behind the goal are just as important as the goal itself. Otherwise, when the inevitable setbacks that happen along the way, I would be more likely to give up.
If you have an impossible BHAG – ask yourself WHY do I want to achieve this goal, then map out the steps needed to achieve it, and take the first step, then the next. Sometimes that’s all it takes to make the impossible, possible.